Scent Detection

7 PM Tuesday – Continuing on odor.

6 PM Tuesday – Class Full – December classes will open for registration soon! 

$210 for 6 weeks of classes.

Class dates – Tuesday Next classes Dec 3rd, 10th, 17th, Jan 7th, 14th and 21st.

What is Scent Detection? (also known as Nosework)

Also known as scent detection, it is a game of hide and seek for dogs and their handlers. The dogs are trained to search for a cotton swab soaked in essential oil such as Wintergreen or Birch. This is referred to as odor. 

We start the dogs working on boxes where the dog is rewarded with treats. The dogs quickly learn that when they smell the odor, they get a treat! We then expand to searching other areas inside, outside as well as vehicles. 

What is scent detection for pet dogs?

Scent detection is a game of hide and seek for dogs and their owners. Dogs are trained to search for a cotton swab soaked with a targeted odor, such as the essential oil of Birch or Wintergreen.

Dogs start searching boxes and then expand to searching other areas inside and outside, as well as vehicles.

Come & Enjoy Playing and Training with your Dog!

• Student’s dogs will start by searching for food in boxes and by lesson 6-10, most dogs are beginning to search for odor only.

• Students are expected to keep their dog in their vehicle in between searches since some dogs are reactive. We work with the owners on this as well.

• Students are always also expected to walk their dog on leash and maintain at least 6 feet of space between all dogs. Students are also responsible to clean up after their dog.

What to bring:

• Lots and lots! of small high value treats such as a cup or more of cut up wieners, Blue Bits or Zukes

• A 6-10-foot leash and a flat collar or harness

• All dogs must be contained during class. Since we are teaching the dogs to hunt for the scent it brings out their natural hunting instincts. And as some dogs are reactive to other dogs or people, we keep them all separated so as to prevent any potential scuffles.

Please ensure to clean up after your dog. The building is used other days of the week by other groups who don’t have dogs. We rent this facility and want to ensure we can continue doing so!  

We have cleaning supplies available, so if needed, just ask!

Benefits of the sport!

Scent Detection is one of the only sports that ANY dog, regardless of breed or personality, can play!

• Any dog can play regardless of their size, breed, personality, or level of socialization (from the very timid to aggressive).  We have personally seen a three-legged blind dog excel in this sport!

• Exercises the dog’s mind, which is often just as exhausting as a physical workout.

• Develops confidence in your dog!

• Build a closer bond between you and your dog by learning to work together as a team!

Register For Classes Now!